RAINBOW VALLEY BOOKS - Poems: Lunatic and Loving - Anne Smith

Poems: Lunatic and Loving


Lunatic and Loving

(Anne Smith)

Anne Smith has brought together a collection of poems written in praise of her favourite literary figure - Shakespeare himself. 
She also writes of the Globe and character's in the Bard's plays. She goes on to write of the seasons, 
and thoughts surrounding the loss of her husband. She then turns to members of her family.The book is divided into seven sections and the poems are of high quality.

The Author writes:

I wrote a lot in my adolescence, this body of work dates from after my husband’s death in 2006.  I wrote a lot about grief and mourning at first, and later added poems about writing poetry and especially about my great literary love, 


Spreading my wings, I write about nature and the seasons, the passing of the year, and my family.  There is, understandably, much about aging and death.  Finally, I sometimes like to take on the persona of someone else and imagine what it is or was or would have been like to be them.


Available, signed by the Author (specially endorsed by request), direct from Rainbow Valley Books at a discount: £8.00 including postage and packing).  


Book Description (145 pp; glossy cover; paperback)