RAINBOW VALLEY BOOKS - The Troubles with Young Writers - Anthology Croydon Writers 2018

The Trouble with Young Writers

THE TROUBLE WITH YOUNG WRITERS - Croydon Writers Anthology 2018

Amost thirty authors provide items of writing ranging from poetry to major extracts from full novels. The group is itself eclectic in nationalities and styles of writing but are united in their love of the art and the desire to entertain 'the reader' wherever he or she can be found.

The book is at the proofing stage and even the cover is still being designed, alongside is the stage so far.

Availability: (Early 2018 -  advance copies may be ordered from Rainbow Valley Books direct - special offer £12 inclusive -  saving £6)

Available direct from Rainbow Valley Books £16, plus £2 postage, discounted to £10. Also available on Amazon and Kindle.

ISBN: 878-1-999982-90-4