RAINBOW VALLEY BOOKS - One Promise Kept - Michael Round

One Promise Kept


Incidents in a Tragedy

Novel by Michael Round

Set in the Indian Wars of 1860-80.

The destruction of the Plains Horse Culture of the nomadic Native Americans is not the first incidence of ethnic cleansing in the sweep of human history, nor the last. That ruination of something of value, a way of life, was as tragic as any 20th century horror. It was also inevitable. It was a 'manifest destiny'. The depiction of Cowboys and Indians or the clash of Cavalry and Savages on the big screen or television does not touch the horror or the beauty, neither the courage nor the pain. This book attempts to catch truth by taking fact and etching it in fiction. No reader will be unmoved. No reader will fail to be carried on his or her own mind's eye into those days and feel the prairie wind on their faces, or be astonished by the whoosh of a passing arrow.

AVAILABILITY:  signed by the Author, direct from Rainbow Valley Books at a discount: £8.00 including postage).

NB: January 2018 - stocks low on this publication. Currently our best seller. Published 1999  

ISBN: 0-9535891-0-2  Can be purchased from Amazon, and is available on Kindle. 

Book Description:  382 pp; 3 illustrations; low gloss cover; paperback